到着 Arrival
(大修道院近郊 昼)
Monastery Outskirts | Daytime
バルタザール: ……この辺りか、古い礼拝堂ってのは。
Balthus: That crumbly old chapel somewhere nearby or what?
コンスタンツェ: 私などいなくても変わりないでしょうが、アルファルド様を助ける交換材料にでも……
Constance: I can play little part here, save perhaps as a bargaining chip for our dear Aelfric...
アッシュ: だ、駄目ですよ、コンスタンツェ。代わりに君が捕まったら本末転倒です。
Ashe: Getting yourself captured instead? That wouldn't be good at all, Constance!
ハピ: そういえば、バルトって割とおっ……年季が入ってるしさ。
Hapi: I think we should be more worried about B's... appearance. I mean, he's got way, WAY more, uh...life experience than the rest of us.
And all that life experience makes you look more like a knight than a student, B.
バルタザール: おい。今、おっさんって言ったろ。言ったな。
Balthus: You saying I'm old, pal? Don't forget you're speaking to the Ageless King of Grappling.
ヒルダ: あー、でも確かにー。実際、結構年も離れてるもんねー。
Hilda: She's not wrong, Baltie. There's a pretty big age gap between you two.
エーデルガルト: ヒルダのお兄様の友人なのよね?確かに、ヒューベルトと比べても結構……
Edelgard: You're friends with Hilda's older brother, right? That explains your...maturity. You make Hubert look like a spring chicken.
バルタザール: 喧しい。しっかり制服も着てるし、間違われるようなこたあねえだろ。
Balthus: Can it, will ya? Anyway, I'm wearing a school uniform. No way in hell they'll think I'm a knight.
ユーリス: 制服着てりゃあ生徒ってのも適当すぎる気もするけどなあ……。
Yuri: Yeah, and anyone wearing a school uniform is without a doubt a student.
アッシュ: そういえば、ずっと疑問に思っていたんですけど……
Ashe: To be honest, for a good while, I actually did think you might be a knight...
Who made your uniforms and set up the Ashen Wolf House, anyhow?
コンスタンツェ: 不肖ながらお答えさせていただければ、アルファルド様になりますわ。
Constance: If I might so humbly interject, that would be Aelfric.
ユーリス: ……あの人はさ、アビスの管理を任されてすぐに灰狼の学級ってもんを作ったそうだ。
Yuri: He pulled everything together for us...some time after he was appointed as the guardian of Abyss.
Said he wanted to give former students who were expelled from the academy somewhere to live. Somewhere to belong.
Of course, all of this was established long before any of us were in the picture.
Choice 1: 人格者だ Seems like he really cares about people.
アッシュ: はい。他にどんな目的があったとしても、僕はその行動を素晴らしいと思います。
Ashe: It does. Whatever his aims, it seems he has quite a few noble qualities.
Choice 2: やはり4人が集まったのは偶然……? So getting you four together was a coincidence?
エーデルガルト: そういう話を聞くと、偶然でもおかしくないとも思えてくるわね。
Edelgard: Perhaps. After hearing all of that, it's not as unbelievable as I'd thought.
ハピ: 難しいことは知らないけどさ、ハピは助けられたし、助け返したいよね。
Hapi: All I know is that he helped me, so I'll help him.
コンスタンツェ: 私が存在することが助けになるとはかすかにも思えませんが……同感ですわ。
Constance: I strongly doubt that I shall factor into Aelfric's retrieval, but I shall follow your lead.
バルタザール: そういうこった。受けた恩を返さねえなんて主が赦してもおれの拳が許さねえ。
Balthus: There it is. We owe Aelfric. Maybe your goddess doesn't care about debts, but my fists and I sure do.
ユーリス: ……先生も、巻き込んじまって悪いな。
Yuri: Sorry to have roped you into all this, friend.
Choice 1: 構わない I don't mind.
ユーリス: 恩に着るよ。……もうしばらく付き合ってくれ。
Yuri: We owe you. Just stick with us a bit longer, won't you?
Choice 2: 生徒のためなら If it's for my students...
バルタザール: はっはっは、お前も名実ともにすっかり灰狼の学級の「先生」だな!
Balthus: What a pal! The Ashen Wolves really landed an A+ professor. Not just on paper, but in practice too.
バルタザール: よおし!それじゃあ、気合い入れてくぞ!
Balthus: This is great! Has me ready to get to it and start hitting things.
Choice 1: どうした? What's up?
Choice 2: 怖い? Scared?
ユーリス: まさか。……ああいや、どうかな。
Yuri: How cheeky. Me? Never. Although...
ユーリス: なあ……先生。俺はさ、ガキの頃から、勝てる博打しか打たねえと決めてるんだ。
Yuri: Ever since I was a kid, I've lived my life by one rule―that I'd only play my hand if I was guaranteed victory.
I've gotten this far by using my cunning in any way necessary―lying, cheating, even killing when there was no other way...
But this next play? Well, the odds don't exactly seem to be in my favor.
Not unless you trust me enough to provide me with an ace...
Heh. Never you mind, friend. Let's just go.